Friday, May 24, 2019




.                        SAVE THE BLUE PLANET!     
                                                                                                                                         LIFE IS LOVE!

Doar cu totii impreuna printr-un efort colectiv serios si sustinut putem sa salvam planeta de la un dezastru global.

Vedem aproape zilnic ca s-a schimbat foarte mult clima, iar consecintele acestor schimbari pot sa afecteze grav, mediul inconjurator, sanatatea oamenilor si chiar sa stearga orice urma de viata de pe fata pamantului.

Cu toate ca ne aflam in secolul XXI, din mileniul III, cu mare tristete si ingrijorare trebuie sa afirm ca din cauza utilizarii pe scara larga a unor masini si echipamente care pentru faptul ca utilizeaza tehnologii invechite, bazate pe arderea in focare sau camere de ardere a hidrocarburilor, polueaza masiv mediul inconjurator cu noxe precum: dioxid si monoxid de carbon, dioxid si monoxid de azot, dioxid de sulf, etc, noxe care au distrus stratul de ozon protector al planetei, au generat efectul de sera si incalzirea globala si au distrus ecosistemul, fapt care a contribuit la grave schimbari climatice.

In consecinta daca nu se va stopa cat mai repede acest ritm de poluare se va ajunge sa distrugem intreaga planeta, adica regnul vegetal si animal, iar din lipsa hranei necesare omenirea va fi pusa intr-o situatie disperata care va putea sa genereze distrugerea viatii pe intreaga planeta si sa puna in pericol insasi existenta pe mai departe a civilizatiei noastre umane actuale. 

Lansez acum un semnal de alarma puternic si o chemare hotarata pentru
salvarea planetei albastre.

Citeste articolul:

Doar cu totii impreuna, putem sa ne implicam si sa ne mobilizam in mod energic ca sa ne aducem o contributie substantiala pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator, ca sa avem o planeta mai curata, mai frumoasa, mai sanatoasa, mai primitoare, in care sa fim cu
totii sanatosi si sa avem  conditii mai bune de munca si de viata.

Asa ca pentru salvarea planetei se impune ca si o conditie absolut necesara pentru conservarea si supravietuirea pe mai departe a tuturor speciilor care exista actualmente pe Terra, sa RESPECTAM si sa traim in ARMONIE cu toate cele ce sunt, iar ca atare trebuie sa constientizam ca avem o mare OBLIGATIE si RESPONSABILITATE civica si anume sa protejam mediul inconjurator, sa protejam planeta cu toate cele care exista pe ea, pentru ca planeta este casa noastra a tuturor.

Pentru a realiza acest lucru se impune sa ne descoperim valorile umane autentice si sa le promovam cat mai repede ca sa propuna masurile administrativ-gospodaresti si organizatorice care se impun a se lua de urgenta pentru schimbarea actualei situatii dezastruase care se manifesta la nivel global si in plus sa elaboreze proiecte valoroase si solutii tehnice pertinente, pentru ca sa faca o reforma social-economica eficienta.

Poti sa vizionezi mai departe articolul in doua limbi, optezi pentru o limba sau alta facand click mai jos pe romana sau english:

In limba romana and english language.


Only together with a serious and sustained collective effort we can save the planet from a global disaster.

We see almost daily that the climate has changed a lot, and consequently these changes can seriously to affect the environment, people's health andeven  blow any trace of life on the face of the earth.

Although we are in the 21st century, in the third millennium, with great sadness and worry, I must say that because of the widespread use of machinery and equipment that uses outdated technologies based on burning in outbreaks or in burning chambers of the hydrocarbons massively pollute the environment with noxes such as: dioxide and
carbon monoxide, dioxide and nitrogen monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc., pollutants that have destroyed the planet's protective ozone layer, generated greenhouse effect and global warming destroyed the ecosystem, which has contributed to severe climate change.

In consequently, if this pollution rate is not stopped as soon as possible, we will be destroying the entire planet, that is, the plant and animal kingdom and from the lack of food necessary, mankind will be placed in a desperate situation that can generate the destruction of life on the entire planet and endanger the very existence of our current human civilization on further.

I'm now launching a strong alarm signal and a determined call
to save
the blue planet.

Read the article:

Only all together we can engage and mobilize ourselves vigorously to make a substantial contribution to protecting the environment, to have a cleaner, more beautiful, healthier, more welcoming planet in which we all to have better conditions of life.
So for in order to save the planet, is required as a absolutely necessary condition for the preservation and survival of all the species that are present on Earth, to RESPECT and live in the HARMONY with all that there are, and as such we must realize that we have a great CIVIL OBLIGATION and RESPONSIBILITY, namely to protect the fragile environment, to protect the planet with all that exist on it, because the planet is our home of all.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to discover our authentic human values ​​and to promote them as soon as possible to propose administrative - household and organizational  measures that are urgently needed to change the current disastrous situation that is manifested globally and in plus to develop valuable projects and pertinent technical solutions to make an effective social and economic reform.

You can watch
continue the article in two languages, choose one language or another by clicking below on Romanian or English:

In limba romana and english language.

Prezentul articol
este parte componenta a articolului "My Cause" care apartine de blogul
"EVADARE DIN MATRICE, Pasi spre Infinitul Absolut-Lumina Vie; de Justinian Cioroianu

Totul despre mine vezi aici,
fa clik pe titlu "About me",  sau deschide linkul de mai jos:
notificare: proprietatea intelectuala este protejata, drepturile de autor pentru publicarea online de carte, de lucrari de Arta Grafica si de materale multimedia precum videoclipuri muzicale, filme, fotografii, denumiri, cat si textele scrise pe website-uri si bloguri, de catre Justinian Ion Cioroianu sunt rezervate de acesta. Informaţiile de pe Website-urile si Blogurile sale pot fi folosite şi copiate gratuit in scopuri necomerciale, cu condiţia ca sursa să fie indicată.

  Va urez tuturor sa aveti multa sanatate!

Webmaster: Justinian Ion Cioroianu





With great sadness, I must note that at present we all live a sad but true reality.
in their vast majority the people do not know in what world they are living in because the current human knowledge is limited, and only hypotheses and assumptions are launched, me neither I do not know exactly and I in my turn had launched only suppositions, but sure and I can very well to mislead at the assessments that I do.

One thing is just very clear, namely that we are not alone nor in the Universe and nor on Earth, underground and oceans there are others, some non-human entities that monitor our existence and manipulate us based on a well-established program.

Equally of clear, it is and the fact that we humans are destroying the planet and
we tend to make it disappear life itself on the earth, both through intense pollution of the environment, meaning that we are continually pollutting the air, water and soil, and also for that our level of evolution and consciousness has remained a lot in following the technical military development and the endowment of several states with weapons of mass destruction.

So that, we are headed with much ignorance, unconsciousness and indolence toward a great planetary disaster.

We are already on the verge of the abyss and with closed eyes we go directly to a
collective suicide.

It can already be seen in real life and does not suppose that, besides global warming, as well as an immediate consequence, serious climate change has occurred, so we face too many typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, torrential rains, floods, droughts,
or great fires that devastate the forests, all this seriously affect the social and economic activity and especially agricultural crops such as cereals and vegetables, as well as livestock farms, that is, our daily food, flora and fauna has a lot to suffer, and the amount of oxygen produced by trees, plants and algae in the oceans and seas decreases continuously while water levels rise.

I am an active militant for the protection of the environment and an initiator of effective reforms in the energy, economic and social fields, but
for more than a quarter of a century I fight in vain such as Don Quixote in Mancha with a blind, deaf and hermetically sealed system, without finding nor the understanding of which these reforms has need, from the decision-factors of state and local institutions, and nor the necessary human, logistic and financial support.

I am an energetic engineer and I have a study and work activity of approx. 50 years, during which I gained a vast practical work experience.

I had been working for 10 years under massive pollution of the environment with noxiousness, which has severely affected my health and after a while because I was always sick I was not able to work anymore I quit the job, and because I did not wanted as someone to get sick like me from the polluted environment cause, starting from 35 years ago and until today I have carried out a self-sustained research activity in order to develop and implement clean and friendly technologies that use primary renewable energy sources that do not pollute the environment.

In 1993 we filed with O.S.I.M. patent documentation for a high-performance and of great power wind turbine that has a low-cost of make.

I set up a company that, due to lack of capital, had more of a nonprofit activity, I actively online milited for environmental protection and I contacted most of the economic agents in the country from small to big companies, I also contacted state and local institutions in order to promote environmentally-friendly technologies and to obtain human, logistic and financial support for the construction of my wind turbine, which as a new, performing Romanian product would have contributed by massive exports to economic development of our country.

I did not find the necessary support, but some "smart entrepreneurs" understood that they can make a lot of money with the wind turbines, they did not want to risk and invest in a untested and unapproved Romanian prototype and so they contacted to consecrated foreign builders to set up parks wind turbines in our country and since then Romania has filled with wind turbines.

In conclusion, I was a
FORERUNNER, a traveler with the mind in future, a TECHNICAL VISIONARY because now approx for a quarter century I have seen which the energy future is, and as such I have been focusing on using wind energy as the green-renewable energy source.

In order to protect the environment, to combat the greenhouse effect and global warming that have produced serious climate changes that endanger the further existence of our current human civilization, I have searched and I have found pertinent technical solutions and administrative-household and organizational measures, as such as I have developed a package of project proposals and contacted International Environmental Protection Agencies, European Institutions, UN and more foreign firms.

I must to mention that I have now an ample project proposal package for the development of social-economic life after a new futuristic concept that will constitute a real technical and economic reform that can be considered revolutionary as it will radically change the current lifestyle of people without forcing them to quit at comfort, for that Europe and all the world to make a big leap towards a better future, a comprehensive and effective reform to protect the environment so fragile, so we have a cleaner planet, plants, animals and healthy people, this reform will contribute to save our planet from global destruction, will conserve and perpetuate life on earth and will considerably improve the living conditions of all the people in the world.

For the practical application of my project proposals in the energy, environmental and social-economic fields I want to co-operate both with state and local government institutions and departments, as well as with European institutions and with private companies in the country and abroad, because these projects need human, logistic and 5financial support. 

My work and my internal and external efforts in the energy, social, economic and environmental fields to save the planet, ensure the continuity of life and its conservation on the Earth, protect the environment, fight against the greenhouse effect, global warming and climatic changes that cause phenomena extreme weather and seriously affect our socio-economic activity, damages agriculture, affects our health, threatens the very existence of life on earth and our human civilization because it can leave us without food and by damaging the ecosystem because it continuously destroys the terrestrial and the marine flora that produces the oxygen of the planet can deprive us of the oxygen necessary for life.
Thus, in the field of energy and environmental protection, I carried out the following:

1-A nonprofit activity on the company registered with me at the Trade Registry Office in 1993 namely S.C EUROSOLARIS PRODIMPEX SRL:
a) -Elaboration of environmentally clean and non-polluting technologies that use primary renewable energy sources such as wind energy and have contacted: the Presidency of Romania, the Government of Romania,
Environmental Protection Agency, Green Peace International and Green Peace
European Unit ", Bucharest City Hall, Ion Ţiriac Holding, etc.
b) sponsorship requests for Environmental Protection;
have contacted: Romanian Development Bank, Astra Insurance Company, Transelectrica-RENEL, Romavia, Conex, Daewoo automobiles, Petrol.exp.import, Raiffeisen Bank, Agricultural Bank, BCC. sector5, Bancpost,
Banca Transilvania, C.E.C, Turkish-Romanian Bank, National Bank of Greece, Alpfa Bank,
Bank of Egypt, Zepter International, Nippon, Chronos Serv Invest, Amber Technologies, Spring Time, Stefanel, INACenter, Leonardo, Mecalot, Everest, Kenvelo, Panipat, Sitraco Center, Alu Koning Stahl, Continental
Hotel, Bucuresti Hotel, Ambassador Hotel, Athenee Palace-Hilton Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel, Princes Casino, Astra-Berlin Casino, Paris Casino, Sector 6 Owners Associations, and others, to verify the veracity of the statements open the link and see the point 1. of the paragraph B:

2-See here a part of my activity as an active online volunteer militant for the protection of the environment,
open the link:

3-See here a part of my online work for social-economic change and politics for the better, to improve working and living conditions, to ensure a clean environment and
the continuity of existence a everything that exists on our planet, for the preservation of life by improving the quality of the current human factor, which is of all embarrassment is about to destroy the planet.
Knowing that the greatness of a nation is given by its spirituality,
I recommend that the spirit be always put before money and wealth,and for social progres I always recommend that emphasis be placed on health, faith and education.
To read
in your native language the articles posted on blog, you can use the Google Translate program, open the link:

4-See my internal steps, open the link:

5-My External attitudes, open the link:


Webmaster:  Justinian Ion Cioroianu




Cu mare tristete trebuie sa remarc faptul ca in prezent noi toti traim o realitatea trista dar adevarata.
Astfel, in marea lor majoritate oamenii nu stiu pe ce lume traiesc, cunoasterea este limitata si se lanseaza doar ipoteze si presupuneri, nici eu nu stiu exact doar intuiesc si lansez la randul meu simple supozitii, insa pot foarte bine sa ma insel in aprecierile pe care le fac.

Un lucru este insa foarte clar si anume ca nu suntem singuri nici in Univers si nici pe Terra, sub pamant si in oceane mai sunt si altii, niste entitati non-umane care ne monitorizeaza existenta si ne manipuleaza in baza unui program bine stabilit.

La fel de clar este si faptul ca noi oamenii distrugem planeta si tindem sa facem sa dispara insasi viata de pe pamant atat prin poluarea intensiva a mediului inconjurator, aer, ape si sol, cat si prin faptul ca nivelul nostru de evolutie si de constiinta a ramas mult in urma dezvoltarii tehnice militare si a dotarii mai multor state cu arme de distrugere in masa.

Asa ca ne indreptam cu multa ignoranta, inconstienta si indolenta spre un mare dezastru planetar.
Suntem deja pe marginea prapastiei si legati la ochi mergem direct spre o sinucidere colectiva.

Deja s
e poate constata in viata reala si nu presupune, ca pe langa incalzirea globala, ca si o consecinta imediata au aparut grave schimbari climatice, asa ca ne confruntam cu prea multe taifune, tornade, uragane, cutremure, tzunami, ploi torentiale, grindina, inundatii, ori seceta, sau incendii mari care devasteaza padurile, toate acestea afecteaza grav activitatea social-economica si in mod special atat recoltele de cereale, legume si zarzavaturi, cat si fermele de animale, adica hrana noastra de toate zilele, flora si fauna planetei au mult de suferit, iar cantitatea de oxigen produsa de pomii, plantele si algele din mari si oceane, scade in mod continuu in timp ce nivelul apelor creste.

Eu sunt un militant activ pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator si un initiator de reforme eficiente in domeniile energetic, economic si social, insa de mai bine de un sfert de secol ma lupt in zadar precum Don Quijote de la Mancha cu un sistem orb, surd si inchis ermetic,
fara sa gasesc nici intelegerea de care au nevoie aceste reforme din partea factorilor de decizie din institutiile de stat si locale si nici sustinerea umana, logistica si financiara necesara.

Sunt inginer energetic si am o activitate de studiu si munca de cca. 50 de ani, timp in care am dobandit o vasta experienta practica de munca.

Am lucrat timp de 10 ani in conditii de poluare masiva a mediului cu noxe, ceea ce mi-a afectat grav starea de sanatate si dupa un timp deoarece eram mai mereu bolnav am fost nevoit sa nu mai lucrez si pentru ca nu am dorit ca si altcineva sa se imbolnaveasca ca mine din cauza mediului poluat incepand de acum cca. 35 de ani si pana astazi am desfasurat in mod sustinut o activitate de cercetare pe cont propriu cu scopul ca sa elaborez si sa implementez tehnologii prietenoase-curate care sa utilizeze surse primare regenerabile de energie si sa nu polueze mediul inconjurator.

In anul 1993 am depus la O.S.I.M. documentatia pentru un brevet de inventie pentru o turbina eoliana performanta, de mare putere si cu costuri mici de fabricatie.

Am infiintat o firma care din lipsa de capital a avut mai mult o activitate non profit, am militat online in mod activ pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator si am contactat mai toti agentii economici din tara de la societati comerciale mici pana la cele mai mari, am contactat deasemenea institutii ale administratiei de stat si locale in scopul de a promova tehnologii ecologice-nepoluante si pentru a obtine suport uman, logistic si financiar pentru construirea turbinei mele eoliene care ca si un produs nou performant romanesc ar fi contribuit prin exporturi masive la dezvoltarea economica a tarii noastre.

Nu am gasit sprijinul necesar insa niste "intreprinzatori destepti" am inteles ca pot face bani multi cu turbinele eoliene, nu au dorit sa riste si sa investeasca intr-un prototip romanesc neverificat si neomologat si astfel au apelat la costructori straini consacrati ca sa infiinteze parcuri eoliene la noi in tara si de atunci si pana astazi s-a umplut Romania de turbine eoliene.

In concluzie am fost un INAINTE MERGATOR, un calator cu mintea in viitor, un VIZIONAR TEHNIC, deoarece acum cca. un sfert de secol am vazut care este viitorul energetic si ca atare m-am orientat spre utilizarea energiei eoliane ca si sursa verde-regenerabila de energie.

Pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator, pentru combaterea efectului de sera si a incalzirii globale care au produs mari schimbari climatice care pun in pericol existenta pe mai departe a insasi civilizatiei noastre umane actuale, am cautat si am gasit solutii tehnice pertinente si masuri administrativ-gospodaresti si organizatorice am elaborat un pachet de propuneri de proiecte si am contactat Agentii internationale de Protectia Mediului, Institutii Europene, O.N.U. si mai multe firme straine.

Trebuie sa mentionez ca acum am un amplu pachet de propuneri de proiecte pentru dezvoltarea vietii social-economice dupa un nou concept futurist, care va constitui o reala reforma tehnica si economica care poate fi considerata chiar revolutionara, deoarece va schimba in mod radical stilul actual de viața al oamenilor fara a-i forta să renunte la confort, pentru ca Europa si intreaga lume sa faca un salt mare spre un viitor mai bun, o reforma ampla si eficienta pentru protejarea mediul inconjurator atat de fragil, astfel incat sa avem o planeta mai curata, plante, animale si oameni sanatosi, aceasta reforma va contribui la salvarea planetei noastre de la o distrugere globala, va conserva si perpetua viata pe pamant si va imbunatati in mod considerabil conditiile de viata ale tuturor oamenilor.

Pentru aplicarea in practica a propunerilor mele de proiecte in domeniile energetic, ecologic si social-economic doresc sa cooperez atat cu institutii si departamente din administratia de stat si locala, cat si cu institutii europene si cu firme private din tara si de afara, deoarece aceste proiecte necesita suport uman, logistic si financiar.

Activitatea mea și demersurile mele interne și externe în domeniile energetic, social-economic, ecologic pentru salvarea planetei, asigurarea continuitatii vietii si conservarea ei pe Terra, protejarea mediului inconjurator, pentru combaterea efectului de sera, a incalzirii globale si a schimbarilor climatice care cauzeaza fenomene meteo extreme si ne afecteaza grav activitatea social-economica, dauneaza agriculturii, ne afecteaza sanatate, ameninta insasi existenta vietii pe pamant si a civilizatiei noastre umane deoarece ne poate lasa fara hrana, iar prin deteriorarea ecosistemului
pentru ca se distruge in mod continuu flora terestra si marina care produce oxigenul planetei ne poate priva de oxigenul necesar vietii.
Astfel in domeniul energetic si al protectiei mediului inconjurator, am desfasurat urmatoarele:

1-O activitate non profit pe firma inregistrata de mine la Oficiul Registrului Comertului in anul 1993 si anume S.C EUROSOLARIS PRODIMPEX SRL:
a)-elaborare de tehnologii ecologice, curate-nepoluante care sa utilizeze surse primare regenerabile de energie precum energia eoliana si s-au contactat: Preşedenţia României, Guvernul României,
Agenţia de Protecţia Mediului Înconjurător, "Green Peace International" şi "Green Peace
European Unit", Primăria Municipiului Bucureşti, Ion Ţiriac Holding, etc.
b)-solicitare de sponsorizare pentru Protecţia Mediului Înconjurător;
s-au contactat: Banca Română de Dezvoltare, Societatea Astra de Asigurări, Transelectrica-RENEL, Romavia, Conex, Daewoo automobile, Petrol.exp.import, Raiffeisen Bank, Banca Agricolă, B.C.R. sector5, Bancpost,
Banca Transilvania ,C.E.C,Banca Turco-Română, Banca.Naţională a Greciei, Alpfa Bank,
Banca Egipteano-Română, Zepter International, Nippon, Chronos Serv Invest, Amber Tehnologies, Spring Time, Stefanel, INACenter, Leonardo, Mc.Donald’s, Everest, Kenvelo, Panipat, Sitraco Center, Alu Koning Stahl, Hotel Continental, Hotel Bucuresti, Hotel Ambasador, Hotel Athenee Palace-Hilton, Hotel Intercontinental, Princes Cazinou, Astra-Berlin Cazinou, Cazinou Paris, Asociaţii de Proprietari din sectorul 6, precum şi alţii, pentru verificarea veridicitatii afirmatiilor deschide linkul si vezi punctul 1 de la paragraful
B-Domenii abordate, proiecte si contactele realizate:

2-Vezi aici o parte din activitatea mea de militant activ online-voluntar, pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator,

3-Vezi aici o parte din activitatea mea online pentru schimbarea sociala-economica si politica in bine, pentru imbunatatirea conditiilor de munca si de viata, pentru asigurarea unui mediu inconjurator curat si a continuitatii existentei a tot si a toate cele ce sunt pe planeta noastra,
pentru conservarea vietii pornind de la imbunatatirea calitatii factorului uman actual care fiind de toata jena este pe cale sa distruga planeta.
Cunoscut fiind faptul ca maretia unei natiuni este data de spiritualitatea sa, recomand ca spiritul sa fie situat mereu inaintea banului si averii, iar pentru progres social recomand mereu sa se puna accent pe sanatate,
credinta si educatie, deschide linkul:

4-Vezi demersurile mele interne

5-Demersurile mele externe


Webmaster:  Justinian Ion Cioroianu